Friday, January 2, 2009

Spread your Wings

This is our year to get "unstuck". To be come free of all that weighs so heavy on ours souls, to shed all that makes us encumbered with worry, fear and sadness. We have all been waiting with bated breath to feel what it is like, this notion of enlightenment. We have all been working very hard to set the stage for our debut. We have all been called to this time to set the record straight. What are we waiting for?

I have felt the glue starting to lose its potency in 2008. I have seen the edges start to curl up, the shifting in the foundation, and the looseness of freedom start to take hold. I guess that the "goo gone" of love is starting to work it's magic once and for all. Have you felt it happening? Have you seen examples of how you need to trust your insticts more? They will always guide you to where you need to go, where to be, and for what you need to be whole. They never fail if you listen to them, I mean really listen to them.

I have come to realize this past year that I am the creator of what my true reality is. I have been given the gifts to make my life's purpose known and to create the portrait of my life in technicolor! You too, have this ability. Just listen to your heart and spread you wings. Unfurl them in all of their grandeur...they are your truth. Do not be afraid of the challenges that will come before you, they only make you become your destiny.

My wishes for 2009...for all of you who I call family, love, friend..and to those who will be added to my most cherished list this year: truly is the best medicine all of its guises, for it teaches, comforts and uplifts your efforts, for this year you will see much reward

~Abundance...may your appetite be satiated and your thirst quenched only enough to reach for more

~Health...physical, mental and emotional ...some of us need more help than others ;-> see your true destiny through the fog of confusion and oppression

~Compassion...for all of those who need your help

And most of all ~Hope~ for without this, nothing makes sense.

Sending the deepest love from my heart to yours this year!

Many Blessings xo

1 comment:

Half-heard in the Stillness said...

This is lovely, thank you so much!
A Very Happy New Year to you X
Hugs Jane


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